
Kamis, 26 April 2012


Kami sebagai madridista, akan selalu
mendukung real madrid, menang, seri, kalah
sekali pun, real madrid selama na.
Tidak ada tmpt bagi tim lain di hati kami.
Jika sekali sudah memakai baju real madrid,
maka tidak akan kami ganti dengan baju klub

Mengetahui Informasi Detail Dari CPU

Suatu saat kita
membutuhkan informasi detail tentang
hardware apa yang kita punyai dan
terpasang di komputer kita. Memang kita
bisa mengetahui secara ringkas lewat tools
yang disediakan Windows. Tetapi terkadang
itu belum cukup, untuk informasi detailnya
kita membutuhkan bantuan program lain.
Blogger PCWorld menyarankan memakai
program CPU-Z. Program gratis yang akan
menunjukkan semua macam informasi
tentang hardware Anda: model processor,
ukuran dan kecepatan RAM, merek dan
versi BIOS dan semua macam informasi
lainnya yang mungkin Anda butuhkan jika
terjadi masalah dengan CPU Anda.
CPU-Z juga bisa digunakan untuk keperluan
lainnya, seperti tipe memori seperti apa
yang perlu dibeli untuk upgrade sistem
Anda. Cek di bagian tab Memory. Sebagai
contoh, dari sana Anda tahu
kalau Anda punya DDR2 RAM, 400MHz dan dual-
channel. Dan di tab SPD menunjukkan apa
yang ada di setiap slot memori. Misal akan
ditunjukkan di slot 1 dan 2 masing-masing
terdapat 1024 Mb (alias 1Gb) modul
PC2-6400 beserta merknya. Maka lengkap
sudah panduan Anda untuk membeli memori
lagi agar totalnya bisa 4Gb.
Jika Anda merasa perlu mendapatkan
informasi detail tentang hardware dari CPU
Anda, CPU-Z sudah sangat cukup
memberikan itu semua dan hebatnya gratis

Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

Alasan Semut Berhenti Saat Ketemu Semut Lain

"Saat semut satu bertemu dengan semut
lainnya sebenarnya semut itu sedang
berpapasan layaknya manusia. Semut yang
beradu kepala saat itu juga mereka
sebenarnya sedang berkomunikasi antar
sesama. Seorang peneliti atau ilmuwan yang
bernama Theodore Christian Schneirla di
Universitas New York City pernah mengadakan
percobaan terhadap semut-semut yang saling
berkomunikasi dengan mengambil seekor semut
yang diambil lalu ditaruh ke tempat yang berisi
Lalu semut lainnya ditaruh dalam tempat yang
berisikan musuh semut. Kemudian semut-
semut ini di amati tingkah laku serta saat
semut-semut itu berpapasan dengan semut-
semut lainnya di jalan saat berkomunikasi.
Dari penelitian itu Schneirla menyebutkan
bahwa bahwa zat kimia yang dikeluarkan dari
makanan ataupun dari musuh semut menempel
pada semut itu. Jadi, ketika bertemu dengan
semut temannya, semut ini akan saling
menyapa (bersentuhan). Nah, dengan saling
menyapa inilah zat kimia dari semut akan
memberi tahu temannya (melalui antena di
kepala semut) apakah di lingkungan sekitarnya
ada makanan atau ada musuh.
Nah... jadi pertanyaan tentang Alasan Semut
Berhenti Ketika Bertemu Semut Lainnya ?
telah terjawab kesimpulannya adalah ketika
semut bertemu dengan semut lainnya semut-
semut ini melakukan interaksi dengan saling
beradu antena yang ada di kepalanya
memperingatkan semut-semut lainnya apakah
ada kawan atau lawan. Bagaimana pendapat
anda ?

Kamis, 26 Mei 2011


1. Coca-cola dulu berwarna hijau.
2. Nama yang paling umum digunakan di dunia
adalah Mohammed.
3. Dalam bahasa inggris, semua nama benua
diawali dan diakhiri dengan huruf vokal yang
4. Otot terkuat yang ada di badan kita adalah
5. Setiap orang di USA punya 2 kartu kredit!
6. TYPEWRITER adalah kata terpanjang yang
dapat diketik dalam satu baris tuts keyboard
7. Perempuan ngedip dua kali lebih banyak dari
pada laki-laki.
8. Menahan nafas tidak akan membuatmu mati.
9. Setiap manusia tidak dapat menjilat siku
tangannya sendiri.
10. Kalau ada orang mengucapkan doa setiap kali
ada yang bersin karena memang setiap kali kau
bersin, jantungmu berhenti satu milisecond.
11. Secara fisik, setiap babi tidak bisa melihat
ke langit.
12. Ucapkan “sixth sick sheik’s sixth
sheep’s sick� beberapa kali, nanti anda
akan mahir berbahasa inggris!
13. Bersin terlalu keras dapat mematahkan
tulang iga, memutuskan pembuluh darah di
kepala atau leher dan mengakibatkan kematian.
14. Setiap raja dalam kartu remi melambangkan
raja-raja besar jaman dahulu kala:
Raja sekop - Raja Daud
Raja keriting - Alexander Agung
Raja hati - Raja Charlemagne
Raja wajik - Julius Caesar
15. 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,
16. Kalau ada patung orang naik kuda dan dua
kaki depan kuda itu naik di udara, itu tandanya
orang itu mati dalam perang.
17. Kalau kaki kudanya cuma satu yang diangkat
berarti orang itu cuma terluka dalam perang.
18. Kalau semua kaki kudanya menjejak tanah,
berarti orang itu meninggal karena sakit.
19. Apa persamaan rompi anti peluru, printer
laser, tangga darurat dan wiper mobil?
Jawabannya: semua ditemukan oleh perempuan!
20. Satu-satunya makanan yang tidak bisa
busuk? Jawaban: madu.
21. Buaya nggak bisa melet lidah.
22. Siput bisa tidur selama 3 tahun.
23. Semua beruang kutub KIDAL!
24. American Airlines menghemat $40,000 tahun
1987 dengan cara mengurangi 1 buah olive dari
setiap piring salad yang mereka sajikan untuk
penumpang kelas 1.
25. Indera perasa kupu-kupu ada di kaki.
26. Gajah adalah satu-satunya hewan yang
tidak bisa lompat.
27. Selama 4000 tahun belakangan ini, jenis
hewan yang dipelihara di rumah cuma itu-itu
28. Rata-rata manusia lebih takut pada laba-
laba daripada kematian.
29. Shakespeare menemukan kata: â
€œAssassinationâ€� dan “bumpâ€�
30. Dengan menggunakan cara mengetik 10 jari,
STEWARDESSES adalah kata terpanjang yang
bisa diketik hanya dengan jari-jari tangan kiri.
31. Semut selalu jatuh ke kanan setiap kali
disemprot cairan anti hama
32. Kursi listrik ditemukan oleh seorang dokter
33. Jantung manusia dapat menyemprotkan
darah sejauh 30 kaki.
34. Dalam 18 bulan, 2 ekor tikus bisa punya
lebih dari sejuta anak tikus!
35. Memakai headphone selama satu jam dapat
menstimulasi perkembangan bakteri dalam
telinga sebanyak 700 kali lipat!
36. Pemantik ditemukan sebelum korek api.
37. Setiap lipstik mengandung sisik ikan.
38. Seperti sidik jari, lidah manusia pun
mempunyai kontur yang berbeda-beda.
39. 99% orang yang membaca tulisan ini
mencoba mengalikan fakta no. 15
40. Dan akhirnya, 99% orang yang baca tulisan
ini pasti mencoba menjilat siku

Selasa, 08 Februari 2011

Indonesian Football Player - Boaz Solossa

Boaz Theofilius Erwin Solossa(born
March 16, 1986) is an Indonesian footballer. His
brother, Ortizan, is also a footballer. Boaz
plays at Persipura while Ortizan plays at
Persija. They met in a match at the 2005 Liga
Indonesia final, where Persipura beat Persija
Nevertheless, Boaz was unable to perform for
Persipura for almost 6 months due to an
incident where he and his Persipura teammates
assaulted a referee officiating one of Persipura
matches in the 2004-2005 season. During the
time he was out of action, many considered his
skills to drop and his prospect wasted. This
resulted in the Indonesian national team
manager Peter Withe crossing his name off the
team list from the national team in 2006. He
also has a bad reputation due to his alcoholism,
which also contributed to his decline in form
over the past year although Boaz stated that
he is trying his best to quit and gain back his
place in the Indonesian national team.He is
absent at the Asia Cup 2007 cause Szeto Man
Chun tackle that broken his legs in friendly
match against Hong Kong.
Boaz was born in the Solossa family, a well-
known family in the province of West Papua.
His uncle, Jaap Solossa, was the governor of
Papua before he died in 2005. Boaz was born in
a footballing family as well, being the youngest
of five children. Almost all of them were
professionals, including his brother Ortizan and
Nehemia Solossa1.
International career
Boaz is considered to be a bright prospect in
Indonesian football after performing brilliantly
in the 2004 Tiger Cup, where Indonesia was
defeated by Singapore in a home and away
match, which resulted in an aggregate score of
5-2 to Singapore. In the group phase, Boaz
managed to score 4 goals and along with Ilham
Jayakesuma, who scored 7 goals, both led the
top scorers chart. He is well-known for his
two-footedness, born as a left-footed but is
equally dangerous with his right.

Senin, 07 Februari 2011

How To Make Crop Circle

The nocturnal pastime of circle making was
made popular by the work of two Hampshire-
based artists, Doug Bower and Dave Chorley.
For over 12 years their simple circle sets
attracted the interest of scientists world-
wide. During this time other artists began to
emulate them, eventually superseding them, and
continued a chain reaction - mutating from the
UFO lore from which it still suckles and, in
turn, nourishes - to become what is arguably
the most mysterious 'tactile- paranormal'
phenomenon this century. In 1991, Doug &
Dave's claim to original authorship created an
atmosphere well known to theological
sociologists; that discomfirmation can lead to
strengthened belief. Consistent with previous
millenial activity, the religious use of pseudo
science to plot our destiny has reached another
high... the circles have become signs and
portents of our time.
Although the circles have appeared worldwide
in wheat, oats, spinach, grass, peas, rice,
linseed, maize, oil-seed rape, sunflowers,
mustard, barley, sugar-beet, rye, and a
multitude of other crops, most cereal artists
prefer to concentrate upon just three. These
are grown and harvested in a smooth,
overlapping progression; oil-seed rape in April
through May, barley throughout May and June,
and wheat from June until early September. In
this guide we will give you all the information
you will need to work with these plants, and
eventually, with a little practice, produce
genuine, dowsable, scientifically proven un-
hoaxable circles patterns.
The tools you will need are relatively
unsophisticated; a 30 metre surveyors tape -
this is preferable to string which tends to
tangle easily... a 1-2 metre board or plank
with a rope attached to each end to form a
loop - this is known as a stalk-stomper...
dowsing rods - these should be made of
copper, and purchased from an expensive new
age shop, or, in an emergency, a couple of bent
coat-hangers will do... and a plastic garden
roller (available from reputable garden centres,
or, if only for occasional use, these may be
rented from tool-hire shops for about £2 a
night). A luminous watch is also useful as a
summer night can be surprisingly brief.
1. Choose location depending upon visibility. A
field rising up from the road, or a natural
amphitheatre in full view of the road, make
perfect circles sites.
2. Dowse potential location to establish earth
energies. If a formation is located on a
powerful ley-line this will satisfy later tests
for genuineness, and aid in curative effects,
healings, orgone accumulation, angelic visions,
benign alien abduction experiences, and feelings
of general well-being. WARNING - If the
formation is situated contra-directionally to
the flow of energy, this may result in the
opposite effects; headaches, nausea, temporary
limb-paralysis, aching joints, mental illness,
deadly-orgone-radiation (DOR) exposure,
demonic visions, negative abduction scenarios
(memory loss, implant scarring, sore or
bleeding anii, navels, and genitals, etc), and
general disillusionment. With no condonement by
the authors, this may be of interest to
3. Plan design to incorporate earth energies.
Some of you may decide to work from a
diagram, while others may wish to rely upon
spontaniety... this is purely a matter of
preference. Remember that a diagram may not
be easily read in total darkness - it is
important not to use a torch as this may be
spotted by nearby crop watchers.
4. Once location and design have been decided,
retire to a local pub and wait for darkness. If
the location is in a well known circles-prone
area you may be able to pick up useful
intelligence on the plans of the crop watchers
(cerealogists). These cerealogists are often
very public about their intentions, freely giving
information on their own view-points, hide-
outs, equipment (whether or not they have
access to infra-red image intensifiers, CB
radio operating channels, etc. They often even
divulge where they are putting their own
circles, which may prove useful. It is not
advisable to actually talk to these people as
inwardly- spiralling arguments invariably
develop which will eat into the time you have
allotted to real circle-making. This might lead
to a smaller event, therefore defeating the
object of your argument.
The Drop Off
After ensuring that you haven't been followed
from the pub, drive to the field and unload the
roller and stalk-stomper (the measuring tape
can be carried in a pocket or rucksack). Be
careful to leave the equipment in a place easily
recognisable in darkness - near a gate or
large bush, for instance. Then drive to a
sensible place and park. It is worth
remembering that an empty vehicle may arouse
suspicion if it's left in a lay-by or farm track,
or lazily by the side of the field. Our own
advice is to park in the nearest village close to
other vehicles. Then, quietly and invisibly walk
back to the field.
Creating the Formation
You will have already decided in your planning
where in the field to start your formation.
Move to this point using the relevant tram, or
tractor line. REMEMBER - Criminal damage is
an offence! Do not move through a field without
using the tram-lines.
Before starting, a simple ritual should be
performed. Whilst not obligatory, this ritual
will assist in causing minimal damage to
individual stalks while the crop is being laid.
Using a long, curved, razor-sharp blade, cut
seven single stalks for every circle planned for
the formation. Place each one between thumb
and forefinger and stroke until the stem starts
to bend. When the stems are bent at a right
angle about two inches from their base, place
each sheaf at the centre of each proposed
circle. If this service is not performed, a
greater ratio of breakage will occur.
Cerealogists who find a sheaf of sharply cut
stems within the finished formation tend to
automatically see this as a sign of
*There is a belief amongst certain circle-
makers that fashioning these stems into a
human form, then placing it into the final
grapeshot, will ensure future circles growth.

Sabtu, 05 Februari 2011

Top 10 Obscure Google Search Tricks

When it comes to the Google search box, you
already know the tricks: finding exact phrases
matches using quotes like "so say we all" or
searching a single site using
gmail. But there are many more oblique, clever,
and lesser-known search recipes and
operators that work from that unassuming
little input box. Dozens of Google search guides
detail the tips you already know, but today
we're skipping the obvious and highlighting our
favorite obscure Google web search tricks.
10. Get the local time anywhere
What time is it in Bangkok right now? Ask
Google. Enter simply what time is it to get the
local time in big cities around the world, or add
the locale at the end of your query, like what
time is it hong kong to get the local time there.
9. Track flight status
Enter the airline and flight number into the
Google search box and get back the arrival and
departure times right inside Google's search
8. Convert currency, metrics, bytes, and
Google's powerful built-in converter calculator
can help you out whether you're cooking dinner,
traveling abroad, or building a PC. Find out how
many teaspoons are in a quarter cup ( quarter
cup in teaspoons) or how many seconds there
are in a year (seconds in a year) or how many
euros there are to five dollars (5 USD in Euro).
For the geekier set, bits in kilobytes (155473
bytes in kilobytes) and numbers in hex or binary
(19 in binary) are also pretty useful.
7. Compare items with "better than" and
find similar items with "reminds me of"
Reader Adam taps the wisdom of the crowds by
searching for like items using key phrases. He
writes in:
Simply search for, in quotes: "better than
Some example results:
Results 1 - 100 of about 550 English pages
for " better than WinAmp".
Results 1 - 57 of 57 English pages for "
better than mIRC".
Results 1 - 100 of about 17,500 English
pages for " better than Digg". (Wow. Poor
The results will almost always lead you to
discovering alternatives to whatever it is
you're searching for. Using the same
concept, you can use this trick to discover
new music or movies. For example, "
reminds me of _someband_" or "sounds like
_someband_" will pull up artists people
have thought sounded similar to the one
you typed in. This is also a great way to
find good, no-name musicians you'd
probably never know of otherwise.
Results 1 - 88 of 88 English pages for "
reminds me of Metallica".
Results 1 - 36 of 36 English pages for "
similar to Garden State".
Results 1 - 66 of 66 English pages for "
sounds like The Shins".
Just get creative and you'll, without a
doubt, find cool new stuff you probably
never knew existed.
6. Use Google as a free proxy
What, your company blocks that hip new web
site just because it drops the F bomb
occasionally? Use Google's cache to take a peek
even when the originating site's being blocked,
5. Remove affiliate links from product
When you're sick of seeing duplicate product
search results from the likes of eBay, Bizrate,
Pricerunner, and, clear 'em out by
stacking up the - operator.
Alternately, check out Give Me Back My Google
(original post), a service that does all that
known reseller cleaning up for you when you
search for products. Compare this GMBMG
search for a Cruzer 1GB flash drive to the
regular Google results.
4. Find related terms and documents
Ok, this one's direct from any straight-up
advanced search operator cheat sheet, but it's
still one of the lesser-used tricks in the book.
Adding a tilde (~) to a search term will return
related terms. For example, Googling ~nutrition
returns results with the words nutrition, food,
and health in them.
3. Find music and comic books
Using a combination of advanced search
operators that specify music files available in
an Apache directory listing, you can turn Google
into your personal Napster. Go ahead, try this
search for Nirvana tracks: -inurl:(htm|html|
php) intitle:"index of" +"last modified"
+"parent directory" +description +size
+(wma|mp3) "Nirvana"
. (Sub out Nirvana for the band you're
interested in; use this one in conjunction with
number 7 to find new music, too.) The same
type of search recipe can find comic books as
2. ID people, objects, and foreign
language words and phrases with Google
Image Search
Google Image search results show you instead
of tell you about a word. Don't know what
jicama looks like? Not sure if the person named
"Priti" who you're emailing with is a woman or
a man? Spanish rusty and you forgot what
"corazon" is? Pop your term into Google Image
Search (or type image jicama into the regular
search box) to see what your term's about.
1. Make Google recognize faces
If you're doing an image search for Paris Hilton
and don't want any of the French city, a special
URL parameter in Google's Image search will do
the trick. Add &imgtype=face to the end of
your image search to just get images of faces,
without any inanimate objects. Try it out with
a search for rose (which returns many photos
of flowers) versus rose with the face